“Education in India under the British Government was first ignored, then violently and successfully opposed, then conducted on a system now universally admitted being erroneous and finally placed on its present footing.”Read More
Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708) was the tenth Guru in the illustrious spiritual lineage of the ten Sikh Gurus. Born in Patna, Bihar in 1666 CE, the Guru went on to raise the great ‘Khalsa’ army against the Mughal Empire, which had unleashed hell on the dharmic communities of India under...Read More
गोस्वामी तुलसीदास द्वारा रचित श्री रामचरितमानस केवल भक्तिमार्ग के साधकों का भाव ही पुष्ट नहीं करती, वरन उनका अध्यातिमिक, सामाजिक तथा व्यवाहरिक जीवन का मार्गदर्शन भी करती है | एक सम्पूर्ण व्यावहारिक जीवन दर्शन को समेटे हुए एक ऐसा ग्रन्थ है जिसने हम संसारी जीवों के व्यक्तिगत, पारिवारिक, सामाजिक और...Read More
Out of the many policies of Trump, his lasting legacy will be defined by his trade policies. Major trade decision by Trump is the formulation of the US Mexico Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA). However, it was his trade war with China (and India) that changed the landscape of international trade.Read More
The contradictions suffered by the latest forms of liberalism as well as neoliberalism are of a serious nature. On one hand, these ideologies—which have betrayed their colonial character in the last three decades since globalisation—advocate individualism; and on the other, these encourage people to define themselves by racial, sexual, gender...Read More