Advances In IT Offer Potentially Beneficial Effects On Governance

By Shobhit Mathur, Co-Founder & Dean at Rashtram

Image Source: Vision India Foundation

This article was published in the Techstory

Governance deals with the structures and dynamics of rule making and collective action in society. Processes of governance do not necessarily reside solely within the sphere of state action and authority. The contemporary understanding of governance springs from the recognition that governments are limited in their capacity. Such limitation should be considered in the design of public programs.

Information Technology  promotes good governance by increasing transparency, information, and accountability , by facilitating accurate decision-making and public participation; and by enhancing the efficient delivery of public goods and services. The citizen’s right to gain access to public documents is supported under the country’s constitutional framework. Promotion of this right is pursued through the government’s computerization program and the availability of these documents through the Internet.

We are technology based IITians  who have always believed that the younger generation can change the world. When I used to work in USA , I felt that there were programmes abroad where youth could participate. Hence there was participation of youth in governance while here its not the same in india. Hence I wanted to launch something in India where the students can participate and they can express their views on democracy.

Samvaad was as I belong to technology background and this App is a platform to deepen democracy.We act as a platform for the brightest youth of the country to participate in the modern nation-building movement. We feel that democracy Hence its named as Samvaad as it’s the new that can reach to the masses.

This is just a way to create a pressure on the bureaucrats to solve the issues. It’s a two way communication in which the citizens can also judge how far the work has been done. Its accountability aspect as well.

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