Computer Science


Technology continues to shape our world – each day more than the one before it. From the smartphones we use to the sophisticated AI-driven machines we encounter, technology is ever-present and has the potential to shape our future in unknown ways. It is, therefore, crucial for all young learners to have a solid foundation in technology education, as this will not only enhance their career prospects but also their ability to contribute positively to society.

At Rishihood University, we believe technology education to be ‘horizontal’ and not a ‘vertical’. The concept of horizontal technology education refers to a model of education that provides foundational training to all learners in critical aspects of technology, irrespective of their academic disciplines. This approach recognizes that technology is not only a tool for engineers, computer scientists, or data scientists but also has become an essential aspect of modern society, impacting every industry and profession.

The proposed foundation training for learners consists of four key pillars:


Understanding Emerging Technologies and Trends

Learners will study current and emerging technology trends, including the potential implications of these trends on various aspects of society. This includes topics like blockchain, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, gene editing, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Understanding the Interplay of Society and Technology

Learners will study the historical and cultural context of technology, including how it has shaped society and how society has shaped technology. This includes understanding the evolution of technologies like the printing press, the telephone, the internet, and social media and the impact they had on shaping society and the world.

Thinking like a Programmer

Learners will study the fundamentals of programming, including coding languages, algorithms, and data structures. They will also learn about computational thinking, which is a problem-solving technique that uses algorithms and abstraction to approach complex problems.

Leveraging Technology to Scale Impact

Learners will study how to apply technology to scale solutions, particularly those aimed at creating social impact. This includes understanding how to use emerging technologies to create innovative solutions and enterprises that address societal challenges, such as poverty, healthcare, climate change, livelihoods, and education.

By providing learners with foundational training in these four key areas, we aim to equip learners with the necessary knowledge and skills to be tech-savvy and understand the potential of technology in shaping the future. This will not only help learners to become more competitive in the job market, but also enable them to contribute positively to society, by applying technology in innovative and impactful ways.

We list 8 courses of 3 credits each (total 24 credits) that will together comprise the Computer Science minor at Rishihood. This will be offered to all undergraduate students at Rishihood. We believe that together these courses should fulfill the learning objectives we have listed above.

Computer Science Minor at Rishihood (8 courses X 3 credits = 24 credits)

We list 8 courses below that together comprise the Computer Science Minor for undergraduate students at Rishihood. The broad course outlines are shared to give a sense of the topics covered. Each bullet point roughly corresponds to 1hr of the content.

Course 1: Technology and Society

Course Description:

This 3-credit undergraduate course will explore the complex interplay between technology and society. Students will examine the history of technology, technological revolutions, and the role of technology in shaping social, economic, political, and cultural aspects of society. Through lectures, readings, case studies, and discussions, students will gain a deeper understanding of how technology both drives and is both driven by societal needs and values.

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction to Technology and Society

  • Course overview and expectations
  • Defining technology and its role in society
  • The social construction of technology

Week 2: The History of Technology

  • Early human innovations
  • The Agricultural Revolution
  • The Industrial Revolution
  • The Information Age

Week 3: Technological Revolutions

  • Key characteristics of technological revolutions
  • Examples of past technological revolutions
  • The role of innovation, diffusion, and adoption
  • Predicting and managing future technological revolutions

Week 4: Technology and Social Change

  • The impact of technology on social structures
  • The digital divide and social inequality
  • The role of technology in globalization
  • Technological utopianism and dystopianism

Week 5: Technology and the Economy

  • The role of technology in economic development
  • Technology, labor, and the future of work
  • The gig economy and the rise of platform capitalism
  • Intellectual property and the economics of innovation

Week 6: Technology and Politics

  • Technology and the evolution of political systems
  • The role of technology in social movements
  • Cybersecurity, surveillance, and privacy
  • The politics of technology regulation and governance

Week 7: Technology and the Environment

  • The role of technology in environmental issues
  • Sustainable technologies and the green revolution
  • Technological solutions to climate change
  • The unintended consequences of technological innovation

Week 8: Technology and Culture

  • The influence of technology on cultural values and practices
  • The role of technology in shaping identity and community
  • Technological determinism and the social shaping of technology
  • The impact of social media on communication and relationships

Week 9: Ethical Considerations in Technology

  • Ethical frameworks for evaluating technology
  • Privacy, surveillance, and data protection
  • The ethical implications of artificial intelligence
  • The role of technology in addressing societal challenges

Week 10: Future of Technology and Society

  • Emerging technologies and their potential societal impacts
  • The role of technology in shaping the future of education, healthcare, and transportation
  • Technological forecasting and the future of work
  • Final thoughts and course wrap-up

Course 2: Emerging Technologies and Trends

Course Description:

This 3-credit undergraduate course will provide students with an understanding of cutting-edge technologies, their applications, and their potential impact on society. Through lectures, readings, case studies, and discussions, students will explore technology trends and analyze the implications of emerging technologies for various industries and society as a whole. The course will foster critical thinking skills and prepare students to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing technological landscape.

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction to Emerging Technologies and Trends

  • Course overview and expectations
  • Identifying and understanding emerging technologies
  • Factors driving technological change
  • Technology life cycle and adoption curve

Week 2: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • Fundamentals of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
  • Applications of AI and machine learning across industries
  • The impact of AI on the economy, labor, and society
  • Ethical considerations and potential challenges

Week 3: Robotics and Automation

  • Introduction to robotics and automation technologies
  • Applications in manufacturing, logistics, and service industries
  • Social and economic implications of increased automation
  • The future of work in an automated world

Week 4: Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge Computing

  • Basics of the Internet of Things and edge computing
  • Applications in smart homes, cities, and industries
  • IoT and edge computing in data-driven decision-making
  • Privacy, security, and ethical concerns

Week 5: Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

  • Fundamentals of biotechnology and genetic engineering
  • Applications in agriculture, medicine, and environmental management
  • Ethical, legal, and social implications of biotechnological advancements
  • The potential impact of gene editing technologies on human evolution

Week 6: Virtual and Augmented Reality

  • Introduction to virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies
  • Applications in entertainment, education, healthcare, and design
  • The impact of immersive technologies on human behavior and society
  • Future trends and potential ethical concerns

Week 7: Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

  • Fundamentals of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies
  • Applications in finance, supply chain management, and governance
  • The impact of decentralized systems on traditional industries
  • Legal, regulatory, and ethical issues surrounding blockchain and cryptocurrencies

Week 8: Renewable Energy and Energy Storage

  • The global energy landscape and the need for sustainable solutions
  • Solar, wind, and other renewable energy technologies
  • Energy storage technologies and their applications
  • The future of energy systems and the role of technology

Week 9: Quantum Computing

  • Introduction to quantum computing principles
  • Potential applications in cryptography, optimization, and scientific research
  • The potential impact of quantum computing on existing technologies
  • Challenges and limitations of quantum computing

Week 10: Preparing for the Future of Emerging Technologies

  • Identifying and assessing the potential impact of new technologies
  • Strategies for adapting to technological change in the workplace
  • The role of innovation, collaboration, and regulation in shaping the future
  • Final thoughts and course wrap-up

Course 3: Computational Thinking for Problem Solving

Course Description:

This 3-credit undergraduate course aims to introduce students to the fundamental concepts and techniques of computational thinking and apply them to real-world problem-solving. Students will learn to approach problems from a computational perspective, using algorithms, abstraction, decomposition, pattern recognition, and evaluation. The course will include hands-on activities, case studies, and group projects to foster critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity.

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction to Computational Thinking

  • Course overview and expectations
  • Defining computational thinking and its importance
  • Computational thinking vs. traditional problem-solving
  • The role of computational thinking in various disciplines

Week 2: Problem Decomposition

  • Breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable parts
  • Identifying subproblems and dependencies
  • Techniques for effective problem decomposition
  • Case studies and hands-on exercises

Week 3: Pattern Recognition

  • Identifying patterns and trends in data and problems
  • The role of pattern recognition in problem-solving
  • Techniques for pattern recognition and generalization
  • Applications of pattern recognition in various fields

Week 4: Abstraction and Modeling

  • The role of abstraction in computational thinking
  • Developing and using models to represent complex systems
  • Simplification and generalization in abstraction
  • Examples and applications of abstraction in problem-solving

Week 5: Algorithm Design and Development

  • Defining algorithms and their role in problem-solving
  • Algorithm design techniques: top-down, bottom-up, and iterative refinement
  • Pseudocode and flowcharts for algorithm representation
  • Examples and exercises in algorithm development

Week 6: Basic Data Structures and Control Structures

  • Arrays, lists, and dictionaries for data organization
  • Conditional statements and loops for decision-making and iteration
  • Functions and modular programming
  • Hands-on exercises in implementing data and control structures

Week 7: Algorithm Evaluation and Optimization

  • Time complexity, space complexity, and efficiency
  • Analyzing and comparing algorithm performance
  • Techniques for algorithm optimization and trade-offs
  • Case studies and hands-on exercises in algorithm evaluation

Week 8: Recursion and Divide-and-Conquer

  • Understanding recursion and its applications
  • Recursive problem-solving and algorithm design
  • Divide-and-conquer techniques in problem-solving
  • Hands-on exercises in recursive algorithm development

Week 9: Searching and Sorting Algorithms

  • Common searching algorithms: linear search, binary search
  • Common sorting algorithms: bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, quicksort, merge sort
  • Analyzing and comparing searching and sorting algorithms
  • Hands-on exercises in implementing searching and sorting algorithms

Week 10: Applying Computational Thinking to Real-World Problems

  • Identifying and analyzing real-world problems from a computational perspective
  • Developing and implementing computational solutions to real-world problems
  • Presenting and evaluating computational solutions
  • Course wrap-up and reflections


Course 4: Thinking Like a Programmer

Course Description:

This 3-credit undergraduate course aims to provide students with an introduction to programming as a meta-skill, focusing on the mindset and problem-solving techniques employed by programmers. Students will learn how to think like a programmer without writing code themselves. The course will cover topics such as problem decomposition, algorithm design, abstraction, and optimization. Students will engage in hands-on exercises, group discussions, and projects to develop their critical thinking, logical reasoning, and problem-solving skills.

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction to the Programmer’s Mindset

  • Course overview and expectations
  • The role of programming in computer science and other disciplines
  • Key characteristics of a programmer’s mindset
  • The importance of curiosity, persistence, and creativity

Week 2: Problem Decomposition

  • Breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable parts
  • Identifying subproblems and dependencies
  • Techniques for effective problem decomposition
  • Hands-on exercises and case studies

Week 3: Algorithm Design and Pseudocode

  • Defining algorithms and their role in problem-solving
  • Algorithm design techniques: top-down, bottom-up, and iterative refinement
  • Pseudocode as a tool for representing algorithms
  • Hands-on exercises and examples

Week 4: Abstraction and Modeling

  • The role of abstraction in problem-solving
  • Developing and using models to represent complex systems
  • Simplification and generalization in abstraction
  • Hands-on exercises and real-world examples

Week 5: Pattern Recognition and Generalization

  • Identifying patterns and trends in data and problems
  • The role of pattern recognition in problem-solving
  • Techniques for pattern recognition and generalization
  • Hands-on exercises and applications

Week 6: Logical Reasoning and Critical Thinking

  • Employing logical reasoning in problem-solving
  • The importance of critical thinking in programming
  • Common logical fallacies and biases to avoid
  • Hands-on exercises and group discussions

Week 7: Optimization and Efficiency

  • Understanding time and space complexity
  • Analyzing and comparing algorithm performance
  • Techniques for optimization and trade-offs
  • Hands-on exercises and case studies

Week 8: Error Handling and Debugging Techniques

  • Identifying and fixing common errors in algorithms and logic
  • Basic error handling and debugging techniques
  • Developing a systematic approach to problem-solving
  • Hands-on exercises and group discussions

Week 9: Collaborative Problem-Solving and Communication

  • The importance of collaboration and teamwork in programming
  • Techniques for effective communication and knowledge sharing
  • Tools and platforms for collaborative problem-solving
  • Hands-on exercises and group projects

Week 10: Applying the Programmer’s Mindset to Real-World Problems

  • Identifying and analyzing real-world problems from a programmer’s perspective
  • Developing and implementing creative solutions to real-world problems
  • Presenting and evaluating problem-solving strategies
  • Course wrap-up and reflections


Course 5: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Course Description:

This 3-credit undergraduate course aims to provide students with a beginner-friendly introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, with a focus on understanding the core concepts, techniques, and real-world applications without the need for advanced mathematics. Students will explore the fundamentals of AI and machine learning, such as supervised and unsupervised learning, and learn about practical applications in areas like natural language processing, computer vision, and recommendation systems. Through hands-on exercises, interactive discussions, and group projects, students will gain a solid foundation in AI and machine learning.

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

  • Course overview and expectations
  • History and evolution of artificial intelligence
  • The role of AI in computer science and other disciplines
  • Real-world AI applications and examples

Week 2: Demystifying Machine Learning

  • Introduction to machine learning concepts and terminology
  • Supervised vs. unsupervised learning
  • The machine learning process: data collection, training, and evaluation
  • Real-world machine learning applications and examples

Week 3: Supervised Learning: Regression and Classification

  • Understanding regression and classification problems
  • Simple linear regression and decision tree algorithms
  • The importance of data preprocessing and feature engineering
  • Hands-on exercises using beginner-friendly tools and libraries

Week 4: Unsupervised Learning: Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction

  • Introduction to clustering and dimensionality reduction techniques
  • K-means clustering and principal component analysis (PCA) algorithms
  • Real-world applications of unsupervised learning
  • Hands-on exercises using beginner-friendly tools and libraries

Week 5: Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • Introduction to NLP and its applications
  • Text preprocessing and tokenization
  • Sentiment analysis and text classification
  • Hands-on exercises using beginner-friendly tools and libraries

Week 6: Computer Vision and Image Recognition

  • Introduction to computer vision and image recognition
  • Understanding image features and descriptors
  • Simple image recognition techniques and applications
  • Hands-on exercises using beginner-friendly tools and libraries

Week 7: Recommendation Systems

  • Introduction to recommendation systems and their applications
  • Collaborative filtering and content-based filtering techniques
  • Building a simple recommendation system
  • Hands-on exercises using beginner-friendly tools and libraries

Week 8: Ethics and Bias in AI and Machine Learning

  • Understanding ethical concerns in AI and machine learning
  • Recognizing and addressing bias in AI systems
  • Ensuring fairness, accountability, and transparency in AI applications
  • Group discussions and case studies

Week 9: AI in the Real World: Challenges and Opportunities

  • Real-world AI applications across various industries
  • Understanding the limitations and challenges of AI systems
  • The future of AI: trends and opportunities
  • Group discussions and presentations

Week 10: Course Wrap-up and Reflections

  • Review of key concepts and techniques covered in the course
  • Final group project presentations
  • Reflecting on personal growth and future learning opportunities in AI
  • Course evaluation and feedback

Course 6: Artificial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs

Course Description:

This 3-credit undergraduate course aims to provide students with an understanding of building startups by applying artificial intelligence. Students will learn about AI applications, APIs, and how to use them to build technology startups. The course focuses more on entrepreneurial thinking and leveraging AI technologies for business purposes rather than software development. Through case studies, guest lectures, hands-on projects, and interactive discussions, students will gain the practical knowledge and skills needed to start and grow AI-driven businesses.

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs

  • Course overview and expectations
  • The role of AI in modern entrepreneurship
  • Key concepts: AI applications, APIs, and platforms
  • Overview of successful AI-driven startups

Week 2: Identifying AI Opportunities and Market Needs

  • Understanding the AI landscape and market trends
  • Identifying AI opportunities in various industries
  • Assessing market needs and customer pain points
  • Hands-on exercises and group discussions

Week 3: AI-driven Business Models and Value Propositions

  • Introduction to AI-driven business models
  • Creating value propositions using AI technologies
  • Subscription, freemium, and data-driven business models
  • Case studies and hands-on exercises

Week 4: AI APIs and Platforms for Entrepreneurs

  • Overview of popular AI APIs and platforms (e.g., Google Cloud AI, IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services)
  • Understanding the capabilities and limitations of AI APIs
  • Selecting the right AI platform for your startup
  • Hands-on exercises and group discussions

Week 5: Building MVPs with AI Technologies

  • Introduction to minimum viable products (MVPs)
  • Integrating AI APIs into your MVP
  • Rapid prototyping and user testing
  • Hands-on exercises and group projects

Week 6: Scaling AI-driven Startups and Overcoming Challenges

  • Scaling AI-driven businesses: infrastructure, data, and team considerations
  • Addressing challenges in data management, privacy, and security
  • Ensuring AI ethics and responsible innovation
  • Case studies and group discussions

Week 7: Marketing and Sales Strategies for AI-driven Startups

  • Developing effective marketing and sales strategies for AI-driven businesses
  • Leveraging content marketing, social media, and partnerships
  • Identifying and targeting the right customer segments
  • Hands-on exercises and group projects

Week 8: Funding and Financial Management for AI-driven Startups

  • Understanding funding options for AI-driven startups (angel investors, venture capital, grants, etc.)
  • Creating financial projections and managing cash flow
  • Pitching your AI-driven startup to investors
  • Guest lectures from successful AI entrepreneurs and investors

Week 9: Building a Strong AI-driven Startup Team

  • Recruiting and retaining AI talent
  • Establishing a culture of innovation and continuous learning
  • Case studies and group discussions

Week 10: Course Wrap-up and Final Presentations

  • Review of key concepts and skills covered in the course
  • Final group project presentations: pitching AI-driven startup ideas
  • Reflecting on personal growth and future AI entrepreneurship opportunities
  • Course evaluation and feedback


Course 7: Technology for Social and Public Good

Course Description:

This 3-credit undergraduate course aims to provide students with an understanding of how technology can be used for the social and public good. Students will explore various initiatives and projects that have utilized technology to address social, environmental, and economic challenges, and make a positive impact on society. Through case studies, group discussions, guest lectures, and hands-on projects, students will learn about the role of technology in addressing global issues and will develop the skills to design and implement their own technology-driven solutions for the social good.

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction to Technology for Social and Public Good

  • Course overview and expectations
  • The role of technology in addressing global challenges
  • Key concepts: social innovation, civic technology, and digital inclusion
  • Examples of technology-driven social impact initiatives

Week 2: Digital Inclusion and Accessibility

  • The importance of digital inclusion and accessibility
  • Challenges and barriers to digital access
  • Strategies and tools for promoting digital inclusion
  • Case studies and hands-on exercises

Week 3: Open Data and Civic Technology

  • Introduction to open data and its potential for social impact
  • Understanding civic technology and its role in public engagement
  • Examples of open data and civic technology initiatives
  • Hands-on exercises and group discussions

Week 4: Technology for Education and Learning

  • The role of technology in enhancing education and learning opportunities
  • Digital tools and platforms for education
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and open educational resources
  • Case studies and hands-on exercises

Week 5: Technology for Health and Well-being

  • The role of technology in improving health outcomes and well-being
  • Telemedicine, mobile health, and wearable devices
  • Digital mental health and well-being interventions
  • Case studies and hands-on exercises

Week 6: Technology for Environmental Sustainability

  • The role of technology in addressing environmental challenges
  • Renewable energy, smart grids, and sustainable transportation
  • Citizen science and environmental monitoring
  • Case studies and hands-on exercises

Week 7: Technology for Economic Development and Financial Inclusion

  • The role of technology in promoting economic development and financial inclusion
  • Digital financial services and mobile banking
  • E-commerce and digital marketplaces for social good
  • Case studies and hands-on exercises

Week 8: Technology for Disaster Response and Humanitarian Aid

  • The role of technology in disaster response and humanitarian aid
  • Geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing for disaster management
  • Digital communication and coordination platforms for humanitarian aid
  • Case studies and hands-on exercises

Week 9: Ethical Considerations and Responsible Innovation

  • Understanding the ethical implications of technology for social good
  • Balancing innovation and potential harm
  • Privacy, security, and data protection concerns
  • Group discussions and case studies

Week 10: Designing and Implementing Technology Solutions for Social Good

  • Identifying social challenges and defining technology-driven solutions
  • Project planning and management for social impact projects
  • Measuring and evaluating the impact of technology interventions
  • Hands-on exercises and group projects

Course 8: Public Policy and Technology

Course Description:

This 3-credit undergraduate course aims to provide students with an understanding of the interface between public policy and technology. Students will explore the role of government and public policy in regulating technology and addressing its impact on society. Through case studies, group discussions, guest lectures, and hands-on projects, students will learn about various aspects of technology policy, such as privacy and data protection, intellectual property rights, digital inclusion, and the ethical implications of emerging technologies.

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction to Public Policy and Technology

  • Course overview and expectations
  • The role of public policy in shaping technology and its impact on society
  • Key concepts: technology policy, regulation, and governance
  • Overview of technology policy issues and stakeholders

Week 2: Privacy and Data Protection

  • Introduction to privacy and data protection policies
  • The role of government in protecting citizens’ privacy
  • Privacy laws and regulations: GDPR, CCPA, and others
  • Case studies and hands-on exercises

Week 3: Intellectual Property Rights and Technology

  • Introduction to intellectual property rights (IPR) and their role in technology
  • Copyright, patents, and trademarks in the digital age
  • Open-source and open-access movements
  • Case studies and group discussions

Week 4: Digital Inclusion and Accessibility

  • The importance of digital inclusion and accessibility in public policy
  • Policies and regulations for promoting digital inclusion and accessibility
  • The role of government in bridging the digital divide
  • Case studies and hands-on exercises

Week 5: Cybersecurity and National Security

  • The role of public policy in ensuring cybersecurity and national security
  • Government strategies and initiatives for cybersecurity
  • Balancing security, privacy, and civil liberties
  • Case studies and group discussions

Week 6: Technology and the Future of Work

  • The impact of technology on the labor market and the future of work
  • Public policies for workforce development and skill-building
  • The role of government in addressing automation and job displacement
  • Case studies and hands-on exercises

Week 7: Regulation of Emerging Technologies

  • The challenges of regulating emerging technologies (AI, IoT, biotechnology, etc.)
  • Ethical considerations and responsible innovation
  • Government approaches to regulating emerging technologies
  • Case studies and group discussions

Week 8: Technology and Environmental Policy

  • The role of technology in addressing environmental challenges
  • Public policies for promoting clean technology and renewable energy
  • Government initiatives for sustainable urban development and transportation
  • Case studies and hands-on exercises

Week 9: International Cooperation and Technology Policy

  • The role of international cooperation in shaping technology policy
  • Global governance and technology standards
  • Cross-border data flows and international data protection regulations
  • Case studies and group discussions

Week 10: Developing Effective Technology Policies

  • Principles of effective technology policy development
  • Stakeholder engagement and public participation in technology policy
  • Assessing the impact of technology policies
  • Course wrap-up and reflections

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