National Webinar on “Wonderslate – iBOOKGPT Self Learning Platform for Students

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How Quantum Metaphysics can guide Sustainability

Block A – 301, Dharmakshetra, Rishihood University Rishihood Campus, Delhi NCR, Sonipat

ABOUT The intersection of quantum metaphysics and sustainability has gained considerable attention as we explore new ways of understanding and approaching the challenges facing our planet. To gain a deeper […]

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Path to Harmony: Sarathi Inauguration & Mental Health Day Celebration

Rishihood University Rishihood Campus, Delhi NCR, Sonipat

ABOUT Rishihood Univeristy cordially invited to “Path to Harmony: Sarathi Inauguration & Mental Health Day Celebration” On this day, the School of Psychology and Education will organize a day-long series […]