An Inspiring Ceremony
With India’s economic rise, it will face many geo-political disruptions this decade. It is important to maintain guarded optimism. Focus on the long term, while adapting to the short term challenges. Balance growth with stability. We need grounded leaders who will steer India through this volatile future. I am happy to see that the efforts at Rishihood University are aligned in the right direction, to create leaders that India and the world need.
These admirable words by the Chief Guest, Dr. V. Ananthanageshwaran, Chief Economic Advisor, Government of India, added a special charm at Rishihood University’s first convocation. The ceremony marked an important milestone in Rishihood’s journey of being India’s first impact-focused university. As the Vice Chancellor, Shri Shobhit Mathur felicitated the PG graduates and welcomed upcoming batches, he shared a spiritually uplifting verse from the Vishnu Puran – सावदया या वमुतय meaning – Education is that which liberates. Filled with motivation and joy, he went on to share the purpose with which Rishihood started –
“At Rishihood, we equip our learners to synthesize traditional Indian knowledge with the mainstream western worldview. This makes their perspective richer and solutions more creative. This will set them apart from their peers in the real world. This is a novel approach to higher education, where Indian knowledge is not an elective but the foundation.”
All these words were a reflection of the journey students had taken and a reminder of the qualities that they have been able to instill, like Jigyasa (desire to know), Chikirsha (courage to act), and Ananda (joy in being). Their distinct learning at Rishihood today opens a new path where they can infuse unique ideas into the systems that govern the Nation to scale and sustain change. It’s time for every student to follow the path of Vyavastha Nirmaan and closely work with the policymakers and social leaders to make new changes happen.
Such learning and knowledge comes from the unique courses taught at the university. Certificates were awarded to students who graduated in –
> Master of Design 2022
> Post Graduate Diploma in Public Leadership 2022
> Sri Aurobindo Sesquicentenary Course 2022
> Rishihood Action Research Course for Educators (RARE) 2022
> Jal Fellowship 2022
Further, the University’s Founding Chancellor Shri Suresh Prabhu (Former Minister of Railways of India and hon’ble member of the Rajya Sabha) presided over the ceremony and called upon the learners to embark on a journey of self-transformation and become true nation builders.
Every member of the Rishihood family felt happy and proud of the motivational words spoken at the congregation, making it a memorable first convocation ceremony.
In the end, Shri Shobhit Mathur left every person present at the ceremony with three simple messages to ponder over –
- Always stay a learner. You might be a faculty, staff, or graduate. Focus on learning throughout your life.
- Keep in mind the big problem that you want to solve. Let that keep you awake at night.
- Rishihood is not just a University, you are Rishihood, and you are the institution. By choosing to be a part of Rishihood, you have willingly chosen to be in public life. It is our collective responsibility – to ourselves, the university, and the world – to make this experiment in higher education successful.