Module 2: Communicate with Confidence: Career Mastery

Skills Covered

Effective CV/Resume Building Workshops

  • Engage in workshops led by industry experts focused on crafting compelling CVs/resumes tailored to professional standards.
  • Receive personalized feedback and guidance to optimize content, structure, and presentation.

Group Discussion Mastery

  • Hone the art of structured, articulate verbal communication through rigorous group discussion training.
  • Develop skills in active listening, persuasive argumentation, and respectful dissent.

Mock Group Discussion Simulations

  • Participate in realistic, facilitator-led mock group discussions replicating professional settings.
  • Receive expert evaluation and constructive feedback to refine discussion strategies and collaborative skills.

Case Study and Guesstimate Sessions

  • Analyze complex real-world scenarios through case study evaluations.
  • Enhance problem-solving abilities and data-driven decision-making skills in guesstimate sessions.

Interview Preparation Module

  • Learn the art of interviewing and the techniques to lead it in the right direction.

Mock Interview

  • Learn the art of interviewing and the techniques to lead it in the right direction.

Skills Covered

Effective CV/Resume Building Workshops

  • Engage in workshops led by industry experts focused on crafting compelling CVs/resumes tailored to professional standards.
  • Receive personalized feedback and guidance to optimize content, structure, and presentation.

Group Discussion Mastery

  • Hone the art of structured, articulate verbal communication through rigorous group discussion training.
  • Develop skills in active listening, persuasive argumentation, and respectful dissent.

Mock Group Discussion Simulations

  • Participate in realistic, facilitator-led mock group discussions replicating professional settings.
  • Receive expert evaluation and constructive feedback to refine discussion strategies and collaborative skills.

Case Study and Guesstimate Sessions

  • Analyze complex real-world scenarios through case study evaluations.
  • Enhance problem-solving abilities and data-driven decision-making skills in guesstimate sessions.

Interview Preparation Module

  • Learn the art of interviewing and the techniques to lead it in the right direction.

Mock Interview

  • Learn the art of interviewing and the techniques to lead it in the right direction.