Social Entrepreneurship Bootcamp1 – 2021


12th July – 16th July


Rishihood University
Sonipat, Haryana

India is at the cusp of change. While we tackle the challenges that we face, there is a growing community of change agents who want to solve these challenges. Our program on social entrepreneurship and innovation is designed to augment this community’s understanding and ability to bring change.
  • Understand the dynamics of business and social development
  • Learn practical skills to build and grow a social enterprise
  • Identify opportunities for meaningful impact
  • Connect with a like-minded community for a life-long support
  • Who Should Apply?
  • Social entrepreneurs in the early stage of their ventures
  • Corporate representatives who handle the CSR/social vertical of the organization
  • Part-time social entrepreneurs who want to become full-time
  • Grassroots workers who wish to formalize and scale-up their initiatives
  • Young professionals who want to move from corporate to social entrepreneurship
  • College students who aspire to become social entrepreneurs


The program is delivered through workshops, mentor interactions, lectures, case studies, visits, and peer-to-peer sessions. The program is hands-on and interactive. It is expected that the participants contribute to the sessions for peer-learning.
A tentative schedule is provided below:
Lecture Foundations of Social Enterprise
Lecture Understanding Society
Workshop Business Modeling
Lecture The Business of Social Good
Workshop Ikigai Framework of Purpose
Lecture Foundations of Leadership
Workshop Strategy
Workshop Marketing
Lecture Team Building for Social Work
Workshop Proposal and Report Writing
Panel Discussion Life of a Social Entrepreneur
Workshop Legal Affairs
Workshop Planning for Scale
Panel Discussion Funding and Growth Opportunities in the Social Sector
Workshop The Pitch
Project Designing the Social Enterprise
Mentorship Idea Validation, Growth, Partnerships, Fundraising
Case Studies The live case studies are spread throughout the bootcamp


Applications are on a rolling basis. The program is designed for a limited cohort size, therefore, it is recommended to apply early. The selection is based on a telephonic interview. Applications for the first round will close on 15th April 2021.

The fee is ₹ 25,000 for working professionals and ₹ 15,000 for students, inclusive of accommodation and meals. Scholarships are available and will be awarded based on the interview.

To apply, please fill the form below and you will receive an email with details about the telephonic interview.

    • After the Bootcamp
    • Connect with peers and mentors for on-going support
    • Pitch for venture funding and grants through Rishihood network
    • Refresh the bootcamp through videos and the reading material
    • Engage with the larger Rishihood community