What does the future hold for humanity as the hi-tech world of AI and Robotics marches forward to conquer the world of tasks?
A few days after Russia invaded Ukraine, I found myself staring down the barrel of a Kalashnikov (AK-47) at the possibility of a nuclear Armageddon. With Putin running to the fear factor of High Tech WMD warfare to complete his takeover of Ukraine, one has to accept that in this case, artificial intelligence, an element in advanced weaponry, has not helped humanity.
While with an AI in charge, there is less possibility of human error, but even ‘friendly fire’ could destroy millions of lives. The situation has become rather scary because of the capabilities of advanced technology in the hands of someone with evil intent.
My fear has always been that AI may be used for evil purposes, and the impact would be catastrophic, which is slowly becoming a reality. It reminds me of the biblical story of Jesus Christ tempted by the Devil to use his divine powers to conquer the planet, a choice he did not make.
Over the past 70 years, I’ve often gone through the “the end is nigh (end of the world)” situation, with fears from the 60s springing to mind. Thus, the potential for using AI to harm us is becoming a possibility. What a waste it is when the real benefits of AI for our betterment exist.
To return to sanity from the COVID wave to the invasion, we need to start looking again at the spiritual side of humans. Who we are or who our God is doesn’t matter. We’ve come into creation in one way or another, and it’s best to serve with this spiritual understanding.
For the same reason, Rishihood University is working on running a course on just this. Please forget the age-old chestnut, where did God come from, and think beyond our feeble state. Open your mind, and the truth soon becomes simple.
The course will include –
1. Studying the place of the maker in eastern and western theology. We will initially centre on the Hindu faith and Christian faith.
2. Examining creatives as examples of values
3. The subjects we use will be Ceramics, Weave, Bamboo, Surface and Carpentry.
It will be one class a week for two hours with 30 minutes of discussion and 90 minutes making. We will get several makers on board. And don’t forget that within this world of reasoned rhyme –
You cannot capture God in time.
The one who made this marvelled clock
cannot be tied to a mortal rock.
Putting God in a time-bound cage
will cause the mind to suffer the rage.
For the time is steered, the tick and the tock
by systems made in God’s workshop.
Prof. Mike Knowles
Professor Emeritus, School of Creativity