By Shyam Krishna Kumar, Vision India Foundation Fellow
This article was published in the Huffington Post
The source of the image is Vision India Foundation
The process of creative churn is the only way the past can stay relevant in the present and offer the gift of its experience and wisdom to the future. Religions, societies, organizations and even families must shed the false sense of certitude which leads to stagnation and eventual decay—only an alert and humble engagement with “context” can produce the nectar of wisdom that sustains life.In his now famous and highly influential book Antifragile, Nassim Nicholas Taleb made this thinking mainstream, by describing three types of systems namely fragile, robust and antifragile systems. Systems that insularly resist change with a “closed architecture” are by nature fragile and crumble under the pressure of change that a chaotic world inevitably imposes, while the systems that are designed to engage and deal with change through an “open architecture” tend to be robust or even “antifragile” i.e. they thrive in times of rapid change.