6 Interesting Career Options for Foodies

If you are a foodie and want to make a career in and around the world of food, you don’t necessarily have to be the best in cooking or baking, you could love food and make a profession around it inside or outside a kitchen. Here are a few paths to discover yourself as an expert on food.

1. Chef

The job of a chef involves creativity, hard work and is all about the techniques, ingredients, nutrition, recipes and flavours. A chef has to know all the aspects of food and beverages, including the presentation. As the name itself says ‘head of the kitchen’ hence, a chef has to keep himself/herself updated on the latest managerial and administrative skills of running the kitchen apart from the skills in creating tempting and innovative dishes.

2. Nutritionist or Dietician

With a degree in food studies, you can choose this domain where you have to advise people about health and nutrition to help them aim for a healthier life for themselves based on their body requirements, body functioning, the place they stay in, the profession they are in, etc.

3. Food Scientist

A food scientist’s role involves research, developing and testing different ingredients and foods, to ensure they are safe for consumption. They combine their knowledge of life and physical sciences to create new technologies and methods of food production, processing, and packaging. 

4. Content Creator of Food

This new generation has taken blogging to a new and different level altogether. Today, having a food blog can earn you quite a lucrative income. You can share your experiences at a particular restaurant, review food items, connect with other food enthusiasts or even share all your new recipes with the world. However fancy it may look, content creation brings together your writing, photography, presentation, and creative skills and certainly a knowledge of ingredients.

5. Culinary Tour Guide

Skills required for a culinary tour guide are public speaking, travelling, understanding different cuisines, knowing all about food and mixing well with new people.

6. Organic Farmer

Organic farming is gaining prominence in urban settings as more and more people are shifting to terrace-farming or backyard farming. If you are someone with a deep inclination towards planting and you don’t mind getting your hands dirty in the soil, then you can take your interest at an entrepreneurial level by taking up an agricultural degree or certified courses in subjects like business agriculture, farm management, plant science, agricultural economics, etc.

This article was originally published in the ‘Food’ edition of The Plus magazine. 

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