“In all that is done in the universe, the Divine through his Shakti is behind all action”, Sri Aurobindo describes the all-encompassing and the transcendental Reality as the Divine Mother. The principle behind the workings is feminine in character. “In Yoga also it is the Divine who is the Sadhaka and the Sadhana”. The sixth chapter of Vaicariki will focus on the feminine aspect as expounded by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. This declutters our minds from the needless divisions and dualities due to politics of our times. Vaicārikī is an initiative for thoughts, dialogues and discussions as part of the 150th birth anniversary celebration of Sri Aurobindo. The sixth chapter titled “ The Divine Mother: all is SHE ” is conducted in the sacred month of the birthday of The Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. It starts with a keynote address followed by a panel discussion.
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Keynote Address (11:00 AM – 12:00 PM)
Speaker: Dr. Ramesh Bijlani – Doctor & Trustee: Sri Aurobindo Ashram- Delhi branch
Panel Discussion (12:00 PM – 1:30 PM)
Ms. Gitanjali J B – Co Founder & CEO- Himalayan Institute of Alternatives, Ladakh
Shri Mohit Bansal – Data Analyst; IIT Delhi Alumni