Rishihood University's Research

Vivekananda.ai Project

On the 130th anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s Speech in Chicago, Rishihood University is proud bring alive his works through an AI-powered search and chat on his teachings: https://lnkd.in/dJykbGYQ

What to Expect:
– Engage in meaningful dialogues with Swami Vivekananda
– Seek personal guidance and enlightenment
– Explore his timeless teachings with AI-powered technology

With this portal, we’re making his wisdom accessible in an interactive and immersive format. This project is a testament to Rishihood University’s commitment to shaping the future by bringing alive the past in creative ways.

Faculty Publication

School of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship opportunities in ethiopia and the role of educational institutions

Name of Journal: International journal of health science

Dr.M.Chitra and Dr.Vetriselvi

School of Entrepreneurship


Is it listed in UGC Care list/Scopus/Web of Science /other, mention: Scopus

ISSN number: 2550-6978

Promotional strategies adopted in beauty parlours – an overview

Name of Journal: Journal of XI’AN university of architecture and technology

Dr.M.Chitra and Dr.K.Kumar

School of Entrepreneurship


Abstract of the Article : https://app.box.com/s/0ln32r8e9tmopzi2wdtabrpu7fua4vhe

Is it listed in UGC Care list/Scopus/Web of Science /other, mention: UGC-CARE Group – II

ISSN number: 1006-7930

An analysis of penetration of EV in Indian markets

Name of Journal: Journal of XI’AN university of architecture and technology

Dr.M.Chitra and Dr.D. Indira

School of Entrepreneurship


Is it listed in UGC Care list/Scopus/Web of Science /other, mention: Scopus

ISSN number: 1006-7930

Website stickiness: role of customer value, satisfaction, trust and habit

Name of Journal: International Journal of Technology Marketing

Goyal, T and Dutta, K

School of Entrepreneurship


Customer’s digital advocacy: impact of reviews and influencers in building trust for tourism and hospitality services

Name of Journal: Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print)

Dutta, K, Sharma, K and Goyal, T

School of Entrepreneurship


School of Education

Future of School Leadership Post Covid-19 Crisis

Name of Journal: Journal of X’ian University of Architecture and Technology

Dr. Ambalika Dogra

School of Education


Is it listed in UGC Care list/Scopus/Web of Science /other, mention: Scopus

ISSN number: 1006-7930

NEP 2020: An Approach Towards Holistic Education

Name of Journal: Educreator Research Journal

Dr. Sakshi Vermani Rishi

School of Education

Sept- Oct. 2022

Is it listed in UGC Care list/Scopus/Web of Science /other, mention: Peer Review Referred Journal

ISSN number: ISSN 2455-0515, Vol. IX, Issue-IV

Inculcating Values through Bhagwad Gita

Name of Journal: MERI Journal of Education

Dr. Sakshi Vermani Rishi

School of Education


ISSN number: ISSN 0974-2085, Vol. XVII No.2

School of Creativity

Understanding Metalanguage in the Study of Aesthetics

Name of Journal: ECS Transactions


School of Creativity


Abstract of the Article : https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/10701.7389ecst

Is it listed in UGC Care list/Scopus/Web of Science /other, mention: Scopus

Emerging technology and pedagogical application in Design Education



School of Creativity


Abstract of the Article: https://digitalcommons.lindenwood.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=ijedie&z=1678777354&preview_mode=1&login=4420430

Soundscape analysis of an Indian City (Sonipat) using SSID protocol and regression models


School of Creativity


Abstract of the Article : https://gcsmus.org/conferences/india/

U‘Artist & Medium’ at the intersection of New Media Art, Environmental Art & Sustainability

Name of Journal: Rabindra Bharati Journal of Philosophy

Vaibhav Sharma

School of Creativity


ISSN Number: 09730087

EXPLORING SOCIAL INNOVATION THROUGH DESIGN – A study on the convergence of human involvement and contemporary society

Name of Journal: International Journal of a Advance Study and Research Work

Prof Manika Walia

School of Creativity


Abstract of the Article : https://issuu.com/ijasrweditor

ISSN Number: 2581-5997

“Bharua Qaseeda Kurti” One of the forgotten traditional trousseau from Bihar

Name of Journal: International Journal of Home Science

Archana Ranjan

School of Creativity


Abstract of the Article : https://www.homesciencejournal.com/archives/?year=2022&vol=8&issue=1&part=B

Is it listed in UGC Care list/Scopus/Web of Science /other, mention: COPERNICUS

ISSN Number: 2395-7476 IJHS 2022; 8(1): 96-100

Indigenous traditional trousseau from Bihar: A revival through “Design Intervention”

Name of Journal: International Journal of Home Science

Archana Ranjan

School of Creativity


Abstract of the Article : https://www.homesciencejournal.com/archives/?year=2022&vol=8&issue=2&part=F&ArticleId=1331

Is it listed in UGC Care list/Scopus/Web of Science /other, mention: COPERNICUS

ISSN Number: 2395-7476 Int J Home Sci 2022;8(2):337-347

The Tradition of Chitrakathi: Artisan and Peoples Informers of Rural Maharashtra

Name of Journal: Ravindra Bharti Journal of Philosophy

Faiyyaz Rashid Khan

School of Creativity


Is it listed in UGC Care list/Scopus/Web of Science /other, mention: UGC CARE Group I Journal

ISSN Number: Vol- XXIII, No. 04, : 2022, ISSN No. 09730087, UGC CARE Group I Journal

Centre for Human Science

Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya

Dr Sampadananda Mishra

Center for Human Science


Vivekananda’s Teachings on Character Building

Dr Sampadananda Mishra

Center for Human Science


In Search of the Real Guru

Dr Sampadananda Mishra

Center for Human Science


Is Sanskrit Relevant Today?

Dr Sampadananda Mishra

Center for Human Science


The Krishna within and The Krishna without

Dr Sampadananda Mishra

Center for Human Science


Gurupurnima: An Auspicious Day for Revering the Gurus

Dr Sampadananda Mishra

Center for Human Science


Impact of Sanskrit Prosody on Anxiety, Mindfulness, and Self-concept in Young Adolescents: A Four-armed Control trial

Name of the Journal: Yoga-Mimansa- An Official Publication on Kaivalyadhama

Dr Sampadananda Mishra

Center for Human Science


Impact of Sanskrit Prosody on Anxiety, Mindfulness, and Self-concept in Young Adolescents: A Four-armed Control trial

Name of the Journal: Dev Sanskriti- Inderdisciplinary International Journal

Dr Sampadananda Mishra

Center for Human Science


Sanskrit Prosody: A Potential ool to Impact Neuropsychological Variables in Middle School Children

Name of the Journal: Towards Excellence- An Indexed & peer-reviewed journal of higher education- UGC Human Resource Development Centre, Gujarat University

Dr Sampadananda Mishra

Center for Human Science


Development of Foetus as per Garbhopanishad

Name of the Journal: Ayurveda Journal of Health

Dr Sampadananda Mishra

Center for Human Science


Contact Research and Development Cell
