IHI Blog


Revelation of the Roots and Essence of Antyodaya: A Journey Through Indian Philosophical Wisdom

Antyodaya, pioneered by Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay, isn’t just a new idea—it’s a revival of our ancient philosophies, tailored to meet the challenges of today. Its roots run deep in India’s traditional wisdom, reflecting a timeless ethos rather than a modern innovation. To grasp the essence of Antyodaya, we must journey...
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Exploring the Nexus of Spirituality and Politics with Sri Aurobindo

In the heart of intellectual exploration, moments leave an indelible mark on our understanding of the world. Rishihood University’s Center for Human Science recently played host to two such transformative sessions, both guided by the expertise of Dr. Lakshmi Bandlamudi, a distinguished psychology professor at LaGuardia College, City University of...
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An Overview of Sri Aurobindo’s Writings about Social and Political Philosophy

An Overview of Sri Aurobindo’s Writings about Social and Political Philosophy

Introduction to Socio-Political Approach on Sri Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo developed a unique socio-political approach through his extensive writings and teachings. His works, particularly “The Human Cycle” and “The Ideal of Human Unity“, present a comprehensive vision for the transformation of society and the evolution of humanity. At the core of...
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Mechanics of Social Order Cube Efforts in Integral Humanism

Based on my readings, I realized that the concept of integral humanism as a journey from homo-sapiens to homo-nova can be understood in the context of the purushārthas, which are the four pillars of human aspiration in Indian perspective. Homo-sapiens, or modern humans, are seen as the starting point of...
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Trident of Humanism: Integration, Mutual dependence, and Co-existence

Foundation of humanity is embedded in the pursuit of balance integration of humans and its surroundings. Human societies in various cultures and geographies have offered paths to this very integration, for the co-existence and mutual dependence of forms of lives on each other. The material (Bhautik) basis of integration demonstrates...
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