

Earning Curve vs Learning Curve

When we enter the workforce, we are at a certain level of our learning curve while our earning curve just takes off. As we grow, the difference between our learning curve and earning curve plays an important factor in success. In fact, the learning curve has a high impact on...
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Social Enterprise, a win-win game

Social enterprises or social businesses have emerged as important institutions of change over the last decade. Large corporations, governments, international government organizations, entrepreneurs, universities have all recognized the utility of social entrepreneurship to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. This article highlights some important features of a social...
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Why do we need a Gap year?

Why do we need a Gap year? For most students, school is a lot about regular classes and a linear thought about time and subjects. What about after class 12th? Many students feel hesitant to take up a course straight after the school when there is a paucity of time,...
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Creativity – The Skill of the Future

It’s not what one knows, it’s what one does with it what makes a difference and here is when creativity comes into play. This is what bridges the rift between the educational institutes and the industry. Realising the growing importance of creativity a symposium was organised by Rishihood University on...
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21st Century Learner

The future of workforce and economy calls for 21st-century learners. Here are essential traits for a smart learner: Smart learner will always find an opportunity to learn and grow. For her, learning never stops. Continuous learning puts one of the paths of evolution. Those who get stuck on their learning curve...
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